Do you have questions? We have the answers. If you don’t see an answer to your question, please contact us.


When do 1L students get their schedules?

When does a student’s tuition balance get posted to their financial account on uwinsite?

Who should 1Ls ask about the mentoring program?

Is there any writing support for law students?

Where can I find information on parking passes?

How much studying outside of classes is typical?

Where can I find information about tutorials?

How to prepare for law school/first day of classes?

Is there somewhere to direct housing questions for 1Ls moving to Windsor?

I’m going on exchange the first term of my 3L year. What do I need to know re: LSO Licensing requirements BEFORE I go?

You should be getting your schedule mid to late August, before Academic Orientation.

Times may vary. Dependent on when class schedules are posted. They’re usually posted in early September. If your financial account is not reflecting your current balance, you do not have to worry about making a payment before the deadline. So long as you make your payment when your tab is updated, you’ll be good to go. Fall tuition is due August 15th (every year), and Winter tuition is due December 15th (every year)

*MSW/JD: Please ensure you check over your account particulars closely. If you see a double charge for graduate/UWSA fees, you can email or call (519) 253-3000 ext. 3307.


You can make an appointment with a law librarian during regular business hours or a student reference assistant during the evenings and on weekends. The law library helps with writing, research, and citations.

It depends on the year you’re in, but people typically study a bit each day. You can sign up for a peer mentor for any of these kinds of questions!

The Academic Success Program will be added to your Blackboard organizations tab (will update when the transition is made to D2L Brightspace). All announcements will be in this tab, and tutorial schedules will be uploaded here.

Academic Orientation occurs the week before 1L law classes commence. All information pertaining to the first day of classes will be made available during orientation.

Great question! Please see this document for more information